This intricately crafted Radha Krishna Yougal Sarkar Puja Idol is a masterpiece made with an Astadhatu (eight-metal) mix, with a golden brass finish. It is designed to add a divine touch to your puja rituals and home décor. The idol depicts Radha and Krishna in a beautifully adorned pose, symbolizing eternal love and devotion. Perfect for daily worship, festive occasions, or as a gift for spiritual seekers.
Key Features:
- Material: Premium Astadhatu Mix with Brass and a golden finish.
- Craftsmanship: Detailed handwork that highlights traditional artistry.
- Symbolism: Represents the divine love and spiritual union of Radha and Krishna.
- Durability: Sturdy and long-lasting, with a corrosion-resistant finish.
- Multipurpose Use: Ideal for pooja rooms, temples, festivals, or gifting.